Why choose a bouquet when you can give something to last longer?

Say it with a flowering plant

Love is in the air. Chocolate, jewellery, and a dinner party always go down well, but flowers, too, are still a real classic. Yet why choose a bouquet when you can give something to last longer? Our Belgian azaleas make the perfect match!

Why choose a bouquet when you can give something to last longer?
Why choose a bouquet when you can give something to last longer?

These colours are sure to be a hit

Red is the colour of love for a reason. This powerful colour attracts attention and immediately sends a clear message to your loved one. Pink, too, is still a safe choice for Valentine. From vivid fuchsia to adorable pastel, azaleas are available in lots of different  shades of red, so you’ll certainly find one which she loves.

These colours are sure to be a hit
These colours are sure to be a hit

Go for originality

Do you prefer a more original colour? Look no further than the ‘Gentse azalea’! Choose for her favourite colour a shade to match her interior perfectly or a plant which brings out the colour of her beautiful eyes even better.

Choose a shade to match her interior perfectly
Choose a shade to match her interior perfectly

Enjoy for longer!

Unlike a bouquet, flowers in a pot last longer. An azalea is low maintenance and can bloom for weeks with little trouble. And so, make Valentine last longer this year!

Has the love faded? Thankfully, azaleas hold the fort! Choose a cool spot with a touch of indirect sunlight, keep the room temperature constant, and water the azaleas lightly twice a week. Then, together or alone, you still enjoy your gift.