- This website and the services offered on it is managed by the Flanders’ Agricultural Marketing Board (VLAM) vzw with its registered offices at boulevard du Roi Albert II 35, box 50, 1030 Brussels and with company registration number 0454.423.323. By (continuing to) make use of this website and the services offered on it, you acknowledge full knowledge of these terms of use, the Privacy Statement and the Cookie Statement and agree to them. If you do not agree to them, please leave the website now of your own accord and do not make any use of this website and/or the services offered on it.
- VLAM may change or terminate the website at any time at its own discretion, with or without prior notification. VLAM is not responsible for any consequences of changing or terminating the website.
- You may place a link to the VLAM websites on your own website. The web page bearing the link must disappear completely and the URL address of the VLAM website must be clearly visible. VLAM reserves the right to deny you permission to use the website and/or certain services that are offered on it. Further to this, VLAM may monitor access to the website.
- VLAM makes the information on the website available purely for information purposes. Unauthorised or improper use of the website or its contents may result in a breach of intellectual property rights, regulations pertaining to privacy, publication and/or communication in the broadest sense of the word. If you breach the intellectual property rights, other rights of VLAM or third parties, VLAM or third parties can demand that you reimburse the damage caused and/or indemnify VLAM against any third-party claims as a result of the breaches.
- You undertake to amongst other things:
- not use the information in an unlawful, illegal manner;
- not use the website in a way that it is damaged, deformed, interrupted, terminated or made less efficient;
- not use the website to transmit or post computer viruses, to transmit or post illegal or unlawful material or material that is inappropriate in any way (including but not limited to material or a defamatory, obscene or threatening nature);
- not use the website in a way that the rights of a natural person, legal entity or association are breached, such as including but not limited to the rights of privacy and intellectual property rights;
- VLAM tries to constantly keep the information on the website correct and up to date and it depends on third parties for part of the basic information. In no case can VLAM be held liable for any errors, incompleteness or inaccuracies that might occur, nor for any outdated data.
The compiler of the website is solely responsible for its contents. The European Commission is not liable for any use of the information provided.
- At the simple request (via the contact data below) of any party that can prove a legal interest, where necessary the necessary additions or corrections will be made as soon as possible.
- Nor can VLAM be held liable if use of the website or the links it contains leads to damage of any nature for the user. Links to other, external sources of information are made purely for information purposes and do not reflect any opinion by VLAM of the contents or their existence.
- The website may contain references (for example by means of a hyperlink, banner or button) to other websites that relate to a specific aspect of this website or is something placed by third parties. This does not automatically mean that VLAM is connected to those other websites or their owners. Nor is VLAM responsible for those third parties observing the privacy legislation or for contributions posted by third parties. Use of them is always at your own risk.
The website may make use of the services of external service providers, cookies, web beacons or similar technologies. For more information about this, please consult the Privacy Statement and the Cookie Statement on this website. VLAM is not liable for third parties respecting the privacy legislation.
- If you send information, such as pictures or other files, to or via the website, you declare that you are the owner of all the intellectual property rights, copyright, image rights, related rights and where applicable other rights (regardless of whether or not they are registered) that apply to them. As soon as you send them to VLAM, you grant:
- the unconditional right of use;
- the right of reproduction;
- the right to edit and translate them;
- the right to communicate them to the general public.
These rights shall be waived free of charge unless the contrary is explicitly agreed upon. From the time of transfer, VLAM is entitled to use the information transferred (with the exception of personal data, see the Privacy Statement) for marketing purposes. In addition, you indemnify VLAM against any possible forms of liability with regard to the use of the information, pictures or other files.
- Only Belgian law is applicable to disputes relating to the website. The Dutch-speaking courts of the legal district of Brussels have sole jurisdiction to hear any disputes.
- If you have any questions to which you have not found an answer, please contact our helpdesk:VLAM vzw, boulevard du Roi Albert II 35, box 50, 1030 Brussels or by e-mail at multimedia@vlam.be or by telephone: +32 (0)2 552 80 21.
- These terms and conditions of use were last updated on 24/04/2018
Accessibility Statement
- VLAM tries to make all its information, web pages and downloadable documents as accessible as possible for everyone.
- You can make the letters on every web page larger.
- You have the possibility of skipping the navigation.
- The breadcrumb navigation at the top of each page shows you where the page is in the structure of the website.
- All the images contain an alternative text description.
- Link texts are significant; the click area is sufficiently large.
- Clips have a description.
- External links open in a new window; internal links do not.
- Downloadable documents, such as PDF or Word for example, open in a new window. The type of file is indicated.
- PDF -documents have been made as accessible as possible. The text can be read in the right order. Brochures or magazines may cause problems; these documents contain a lot of media and have not always been optimised.
- The documents in the closed part of the site cannot always be accessed.
- The website does not contain any classic frames or complex tables.
- Forms have been made correctly accessible.
- However, if you experience problems when trying to consult certain data, we will be happy to help you. In case of problems with or comments about the website: please contact us by e-mailat multimedia@vlam.beor by telephone on +32 (0)2 552 80 21. We also invite you to inform us of any information, questions, problems or tips that could improve the accessibility of this website.